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The aim of Blocked is to place blocks on the game board and fill rows or columns with blocks to clear them.


3 points for placing a block
10 points for clearing each row or column

How to Play

Blocked is a turn-based game between 1-many players (although around 2-4 players is an ideal number)

Blocks appear along the bottom of the game board and you must drag them and drop them to place them on the board. The blocks do not rotate.

When a block cannot be placed on the board, it will count as a miss.

Competitive Mode

In competitive mode, the aim of Blocked is to earn points by placing blocks and clearing as many lines as possible whilst trying to “block” your opponent from placing blocks or clearing lines.

If you miss placing a block 3 times in a row, the round is over.

Cooperative Mode

Work together placing blocks and clearing lines to get a high score. If there are 3 misses in total, the game is over.